Week 2
Day 1:
Bw Fire Hydrants – 10x each side
lateral bear crawl  –
5 steps each side
Repeat 3x

Day 1:
Dumbbell curl to squat– 15x
dumbbell farmer carry – 10 steps there and back
dumbbell forward lunges – 10x each side
clock crunches – 3x

repeat 4x
Day 2:
donkey kicks – 10x each side
Elbow Planks  – 30 sec

Repeat 3x
Day 2:
dumbbell walking lunges – 10 steps there and back
straight arm Russian twists – 30 sec
kneel to squat – 5x each side
dumbbell toe touches – 15x

repeat 4x
Day 3:
Walkout to world's greatest stretch – 5x 
kneeling push-ups – 10x

Repeat 3x
Day 3:
single leg box squat – 10x each side
inverted plank knee drives – 10x each side
squat jumps – 10x
windshield wipers – 10x each side

repeat 4x
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